Saturday, May 17, 2008


O goodness!!!! i am So sorry i haven't kept this blog up to date! i've been way busy, though...anyway, i got my MRI. nothing's wrong!!!!!!!!! now i can get contacts, instead of just glasses!!! but....we did find out i'm claustrophobic, my mom said i was WAY pale after i was done with it.
tonight is the 7th/8th grade Social Leadership Ball!!!!!!!!! i'm apprehensive...but excited! it'll be fun, hopefully i don't forget to write about it...
new problem....i have this friend at school...i'll call him LaLo. so LaLo and i were like BESTEST friends at the beginning of this year! but then a couple of weeks ago...he started hating's sad and i have no idea what i did. if anyone has any idea what i did or a solution to my problem....feel free to comment!
AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! you guys all have to go see Speed Racer on IMAX!!!!!!!!! it is SOOOOOO
amazing and Speed and Rex(the first one) are both way cute!!!!!!!!
ok...i have a few things to do before the ball i g2g..sry BYEBYE!

Thursday, May 1, 2008


ok, i'm really sorry that i haven't been posting. i've been busy so i just haven't had the time, but i'm trying to post more. Well today, we think my little sister has appendicidice and i had to go to the doctors. it was lon and interesting. in a couple of weeks i have to go back for an MRI. i'm kind of scared, because i don't think i can hold still for that long. but that's ok, at least i get music...i think. my head hurts right now so i think i'm going to go lie down. cya later!