Saturday, April 17, 2010


hi. i doui decidedbt anyone will read this, because its been so long since i've posted. i guess i just got bored so i was looking through my old emails, and found one asking my friends to check this out. so i decided to do so myself. i don't really know what to say on here, but oh well.
so here's the deal: i like this kid at my school, but i really don't want to cause he can be way mean, lots of people like him, and ya. i'm trying not to, but fighting a crush doesn't always work.
kaylee is moveing to florida this year :( and becca is moving, too! i'm sad :(
the good news is we've become way good friends and the people staying here (angie, kelsey, me) are all going to alta. but some of our friends (quincy, dalin) are going to jordan. we're hoping to stay in touch.
i did alta's swim team this year!!!! it was soo much fun and i can't wait for next season!!!
i made alta's chamber orchestra ;) i'll be playing viola with the beloved joe!!
i think thats enough for now. cya!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

WOW..weird dream

ok so a couple nights ago, i had this it is;
So i was at a place...let's call it school...and we were in a class with my favorite teacher, who wasn't actually there, anyway....oh, and i was going out with this guy who we're going to call (hm...) we were leaving the classroom (well, some people were, others were just sitting there) and i was standing by the door and holding out my jacket to see if anyone took it...cause apparently in my demented subconcious, if someone took it, it meant we were going the kid name Purple took it so ya and then somehow i had ait back and a kid we're going to call Red took it then i had it back then a kid named Blue so i was going out with all three of them. and none of them cared. and they were all awesome! and then at the end of the day, this girl...we're going to call her Fuschia...was like "it doesn't count!!!! kaitlynn was holding out her jacket so they would take it!" and so i was like "it does so!!! you're just a jealous brat!"

and then i woke up, or my dream changed, but that's all that i 'member...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

more Wordle


i made this word picture on go to it!!! and also, these are some names, mine, and they're just different names using letters of my first and middle name.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

My Songs

Hey everyone!!
Alright, I created a blog for my songs! The link is "My Songs" in the list. Here's the website:

I haven't posted any songs yet, but I will soon. I PORMISE!!! but when I do post on it, I'll probably update this site, too. Please check it out and tell me what you think!

Saturday, June 28, 2008


hey as most of you probably already know, Haylee has a blog for her songs. i like the idea, and i have a few songs that i want my friends to see. so if you think it's a good idea for me to make a blog with my songs, click yes on the poll, if you think it's a bad idea, click no.


Ok, it's been over a month since i have posted, and i am VERY's an update. My last day of school was a few days before the rest of my school, because i left that week to go to lake Powell with my family. The last day of school was VERY happy, but also EXTREMELY sad, because i have some ninth grade friends that i'll probably never see again. Last week, I had a violin camp. I played violin for around seven hours everyday. I was also swimming for at least an hour everyday for swim team. Because i was doing so much, i overworked my shoulders and developed tendonitis in both my shoulders. Now it hurts to move them, but i'm still swimming. This week, i got my bottom braces on (ouch!!!!) and then on thursday i got my eyes checked again! O, and on wednesday i went to the movies with Haylee, Nicole, and Lauren (Haylee's cousin). Also a two weeks before yesterday, i had sooooo much fun at Elyssa's house!!!! We played cards and watched the Itlaian Job and built a tent out of blankets!!! hopefully, i post some pictures of that and Lake Powell soon. If you guys don't hear from me again soon, please yell at me and email me until i post again!

Sorry it's been so long!
