Monday, March 24, 2008

sick the reason i'm not at school (i know a lot of you are still on Spring Break, but i'm supposed to be at school) is because i am sick. we thought it was Strep Throat but the test came back negative. the doctor said it was just a virus. my mom said i might be able to go to school tomorrow, though, depending on how i feel. i got sick Saturday night and i didn't really participate in any of my family's Easter activities like dying easter eggs or hunting for Easter eggs because i was too sick. i'm going to go lie down and sleep.....


Chris Goeller said...

Oh that stinks! WEll do not forget tomorrow is free dress day!

haylee ann (: said...

that really stinks! i hope you can come because i have some news to tell you!!!!!!!!!!!! and tomorrow is free dress day so DON'T FORGET OR THAT WOULD BE EMBARASSING!!!!!