Saturday, April 5, 2008

General Conference

Today is the first day of the April 2008 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I love it! I've really enjoyed watching it and I hope those who are listening or watching were able to get a good lesson out of the first session.
At the beginning, before it started, I thought of someting. This is the first general Conference of my life that President Gordon Bitner Hinckley isn't here was kind of sad. but then I thought that how he is with his wife again, how much he did for the church and the world, and just how wonderful he is in General and I decided he there was no reason to be sad.


haylee ann (: said...

Hey kait that's way cool on how you thought to talk about General Conference! I liked the talks too!

KaitieBell said...

i really liked Joseph B. Wirthlin's and Henry B. Eyring's talks this morning! did you have a favorite?

Chris Goeller said...

I only listened to a the last part of General Conference... oh and you mispelled the word how in your post, you might wanna edit that... like fast! haha!

KaitieBell said...

thanks chris

Ali said...

kait--yeah it was kinda sad but then u realize he is with his wife no need to be sad. i liked Henry B. Eyring's talk too!! it was awesome