Thursday, May 1, 2008


ok, i'm really sorry that i haven't been posting. i've been busy so i just haven't had the time, but i'm trying to post more. Well today, we think my little sister has appendicidice and i had to go to the doctors. it was lon and interesting. in a couple of weeks i have to go back for an MRI. i'm kind of scared, because i don't think i can hold still for that long. but that's ok, at least i get music...i think. my head hurts right now so i think i'm going to go lie down. cya later!


Ali said...

Hey Kaitiebell--why do you have to get an MRI? That doesn't sound so good. I am sorry that you have to get one. They sound like they suck.

KaitieBell said...

they think that there might be something wrong with my brain because i have double-vision and my left eye is significantly stronger than my's ok, thanks for your concern

haylee ann (: said...

that sucks! I LYV YEW KAIT!

Lolly said...

Hey Kaitlynn! I am really sorry! I hope everything is okay! Love you tons!!

haylee ann (: said...