Saturday, February 9, 2008

nO tItLe

Ok, it's about 11:40 at night, but I can't sleep, so I'm making this post. I don't know what it;s about but i just got an idea.
Tonight, i went to my friends house, we watched a movie and caught up on what's going on. There were 5 of us there, it was girls i went to school with last year that were my closest friends. It was sooo much fun to be with them again!! I hope they know how much I appreciate everything they have done for me, and know how much they mean. Thank you!
It's kind of like a journal entry, bit i guess that's what i want to put on here. Good night!!



haylee ann (: said...

Hey Kait-who were you there with?

cass said...

hi! i'm cassidy. jordan if you are reading this...whats your email? kaitlynn won't tell me. don't worry i won't bite or anything...kait's just always talking about you and i wanted ur email so i could talk to you too. PLEASE give it to me!!

cass said...

ok so if you look at my pic doesn't look like i'm sane...but i was having a sleepover that night...i was hyper...kaitlynn gets way more hyper! u should've seen us (kait and me) that night when we dressed up in red jazz pants and made a music video to POP GOES MY HEART...aaaaah that was fun

cass said...

SOOOOOOORRRRRRY KAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! popcorn and punch night? candles and fm 100? please? can't this fri. next?