Saturday, March 8, 2008


Hey everyone!!! i know i haven't posted in awhile, so i decided to update yo uguys on what's happening. My school basketball team won our championship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We were WAY excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was against a team that we had lost to in both of our season games, so it was AMAZING that we beat them!!!!!!! Well school isn't fun AT ALL! but i get to see my friends so it's ok. The night we won our basketball game me and a couple of girls on my team had a party and that was soo cool!!! We watched a movie, made pizza's (two of us made one and the other two made another one), and mine has a pepperoni SMILE :) face!!!!!!!! it was way cute! alright i think that's it....cya later!


haylee ann (: said...

kait could you be a little more creative lol life has got to be more exciting than that-well yea the champs were pretty cool

Clair! said...

you beat baylie and she is still amd at you! :) i think it is funny! good job!