Tuesday, April 1, 2008


ok, so because i was sick last week, i missed two and a hald days of school. it wasn't fun at all!!! but, i still have straight A's, so that's good. if i keep them for this week, i get $50! right now i'm watching American Idol. it's DAVID ARCHULETA'S TURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaa I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!! my little sister and her friend are making up a danceto a hannah montana song...it's kind of annoying. all the different color's are different subjects,like different paragraphs. i'm making a dress for a project and i don't know what color i should make it. any ideas? TV is depressing...things keep flashing across the screen talking about a missing 7 year old girl. i hope she's ok! i'm going to go to the website that's showing the press conference about the little girl, so i have to get off now. good night!!


haylee ann (: said...

haha kait i can tell you are really bored-everything on there is like totally random!!!!!

KaitieBell said...

i know!!! i really was, though...